Research Newsletter, #15 (November 2016)
Editor’s Note
Half of the Americans and considerable amount of countries worldwide are concerned about the new leadership of America. They think that Trump will do crazy things and cause disasters. But before making such assumptions about him, we need to accept that there are enough evidences that Hillary Clinton made serious mistakes. Such as bombing of Libya and killing of Kaddafi was a serious mistake. Such as supporting terrorist groups against Assad regime was a serious mistake. We can extend the list further.
But now Trump is new leader and world is waiting better policies and solutions from US. Such as, there is an urgent need to clear the mess in Middle East. It is clear that American policies and strategies implemented since 9/11 didn't stop the terrorism but increased. Therefore, new policies and strategies are needed to fight against terrorism.
Terrorism is a global problem and neither US not NATO can deal with it alone. Global problems need global solutions. In addition to this, the tension between NATO / US and Russia is worrying. Therefore, it is time that NATO—US—EU and Russia fights against terrorism together. This can be the first step to remove the tension between NATO and Russia.
Expectations from Trump
It is very normal to be hopeful with a new change in leadership in US. Either we like or dislike, we all need to accept that US is the leading country in many areas at global level. Country has serious responsibilities about global safety, security and sustainability. Therefore, vast majority of the world follows the elections in USA. A lot of countries design their policies according to the policies of USA.
Obama was a disappointment for the poor people worldwide. Africans though that Obama will help them to decrease the poverty and remove the corrupt leaders. People suffering under the management of dictators believed that Obama will save them. Environment activists hoped that Obama will do something against climate change. We can increase the number of expectations worldwide. In addition to this, people of America had a lot of expectations from him. But at the end of his term, we can say that a lot of people are disappointed. His election slogan was “Change”. But he didn't make any positive change in the world. Especially his policies in Middle East and Afghanistan were disaster.
A lot of challenges are waiting for Trump. Of course, most important and challenging one is the war against terrorism. Obama management made serious mistakes fight against to terrorism especially in Middle East. We believe Trump will review the position of US with Assad regime and Russia once again. It is mutual benefit of both US and Russia, if they both together fight against terrorism in Middle East. If this happens, region can be cleared from terrorism very quickly. In addition to this there are a lot of work to do after removing all terrorist elements from Syria and Iraq. Such as, establishment of law enforcement, education system and provision of government services are urgently needed both in Iraq and Syria. These things can’t be done only US. Therefore, US should cooperate with Russia, EU and Assad regime. Otherwise, scenario in Afghanistan will repeat in Syria and Iraq. Afghanistan is a narco-state now and this can happen in both Syria and Iraq as well.
Establishment of education system in Syria is extremely important and essential. Therefore, it is suggested that an urgent plan about this has to be developed by US and Russia in Syria.
The only way of saving the EU from large scales of migration is to provide infrastructure for Syrians within Syria. Therefore, EU has to be part of all these plans as well.
Not only Syrians but Afghans would like to hopeful about the new leadership of US. After Osama bin Laden was killed, US stop giving enough importance to Afghanistan. Country is going through a very difficult period. Terrorism is increasing and country turned into a narco-state. The wrong policies about on narcotics has to be urgently corrected. In addition to this, Russia has to take a serious role on fight against drugs in Afghanistan. However, this fight should not be only in terms of law enforcement. There is a radical change needed to clear the drugs from country. Such as legalization of morphine production is one of the possible solution in the country. This option has to be discussed transparently with all relevant parties. It is clear that NATO, EU and UN policies failed on this topic so far and a change is essential.
Africa suffering from poverty, terrorism and corrupt officials. In addition to this, negative impacts of climate change have already to be seen in Africa. That means, continent will be poorer in near future. Therefore, before it is getting late, US should take the lead to fight against poverty and corruption in Africa. People of Africa deserves better life. People of US should not forget that they need to apologize from people of Africa about the past treatments they did. Maybe, by this way, US can pay for the things they did in the past in Africa.
Another challenging issue is Ukraine. This problem will come to table in 2017. But it can only be solved if NATO stops its current aggressive enlargement policy at Eastern and Northern Europe. If NATO pulls back from Eastern Europe and Northern Europe, the solution about Ukraine will be found easily.
Last but not the least, US has to review its policies about how to deal with Islam and Muslims. If US wants to clear the word from radical Islam terrorist groups, it is essential that US review its relations with the radical and very conservative countries and leaders. If US is supporting human rights and global values, then should stop its trade and all relations with the countries and leaders who does not respect to human rights, gender issues and global values. Corrupt leaders and the ones who supports terrorist groups should be published openly. US has to be role model for all countries by cutting its relations with such countries and politicians.
There is a lot of expectations from Trump. Now, US will decide where to head the world during his term; towards a better world or chaos? Time will show us...