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  • Research Newsletter, #12 (June 2016)


    We, as Statistics and More team several times mentioned that Russia and Turkey relations should be normalized. We also mentioned that how EU policies over refugee related issues which may cause growing of right wing extremism in EU.

  • Research Newsletter, #11 (May 2016)

    World Humanitarian Emergency

    There are currently over 250 million in 37 countries are waiting for humanitarian assistance. Out of them, 60 million refugees forced to leave their homes and living in camps or host communities. At least US$ 25 billion per year is needed to provide minimum level of assistance for those people.

  • Research Newsletter, #10 (May 2016)

    Afghan Opium Trade

    Afghan farmers are preparing for the opium poppy harvest. They are happy because yield looks very good this year. Expected level of yield is at least 40 kg per hectares. The photo on the left side is from Nangarhar province. This year opium poppy cultivation is a kind of blanket crop at entire province. It is easy to reach opium poppy fields near to the Jalalabad city, which is provincial capital.

  • Research Newsletter, #9 (Apr. 2016)

    Syrians Back to Home

    Our team has the same position from the beginning of the Syria Crises: “The solution for the Syria crises is again within Syria, but nowhere else.”

  • Research Newsletter, #8 (Mar. 2016)

    Syrians Back to Home

    In our previous newsletter, our analysis suggested that the only way of stopping the flow of refugees was to establish peace in Syria. We are very glad to see that Russia, USA and EU agreed about cease-fire in Syria. It seems that cease-fire will be extended further. This is the only way to save the future of people of Syria.

    Free Syria Army and Syria Regime forces will soon be agreed about the road map of Syria as well. Most likely, they will together get rid of terrorist groups from their lands.


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